Wednesday 16 March 2011

How to TEFL; a peek into the TEFL classroom

If you've never taught before, the idea of stepping into a TEFL class can be daunting. Perhaps the fear of the unknown might even stop you from taking a leap into EFL teaching. In that case, read on to see what a sneaky peek of a real TEFL class can reveal...

A typical TEFL lesson
I better start by saying no two TEFL classrooms are the same but let's imagine the following is a typical EFL lesson. Now let's observe and see what's going on inside. Watch part of this  TEFL class and notice:
1) How are students seated?
2) Who is doing most of the talking?
3) What does this tell you about TEFL methods?

Hopefully you'll have noticed the following....
1) The students aren't seated in rows. Why?In TEFL, we try to seat our students in a horseshoe shape rather than in formal line or rows. The reason why we do this will tell you much about TEFL methodology. In the typical TEFL classroom the buzzwords are 'communicative language teaching'. This means encouraging the students to communicate and therefore practice and become more proficient at the language. This means the class is laid out in a way that encourages peer-to-peer communication and student to teacher communication. Chairs can be easly moved for pair/group work.
No-one is lurking at the back away from it all. Everyone can turn to talk to their neighbour or the teacher easily.

2) The students are talking much more - the teacher is saying less than I thought
This follows on from the above point; the idea is to get students communicating and practising the language.
The teacher's role is often to introduce the theme or language point then have a variety of tasks the students can do in pairs/groups/individually to practice what has been taught. They will try to 'elicit' responses from students where possible instead of just telling all the time.
We tend to think of teachers leading from the front all the time. In fact, the best TEFL teachers can stand back once the students know what they have to practice/create/do.

A common error new teachers make is to talk too much. Remember, if you're talking, the students aren't!

3) Conclusion
Getting students active in the lesson and engaging in learning English are absolute TEFL musts. This explains the horsehose layout, the amount of time teachers talk and the way students are often organised into groups/pairs to maximise student communication time.

'Communicative language teaching' is in play whatever we teach, whether practising reading, writing, speaking, listening or grammar. It informs everything we do in the modern TEFL class.
When I started training to teach EFL, I couldn't get over the way this communicative  method differed from the way I was taught French at school. It was more fun and interactive; engaged students seemed to learn better.

I hope you've enjoyed this insight into TEFL begun to understand a little of what it is all about. Of course there is more to teaching English effectively than where we seat Angelina and Frederico! But this communicative mindset forms the basis of our approach to teaching.

A good TESOL/TEFL training course will equip you completely for your own classroom -  but  if you want more of an insight or have any TEFL related questions, email me and I'll be happy to help.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Is TEFL - teaching English as a foreign language for me? 3 questions to ask yourself

TEFL teachers are a varied bunch as the TEFL industry attracts expats, serious teachers and people who only wish to fund their travels alike. The advantages of TEFL are obvious; a portable career which you can fit around your new lifestyle abroad. But is teaching English for you? Before you invest in a TEFL course, leave your job and start a new life abroad, it pays to do your homework and ask yourself some serious questions.

Let's start with the obvious...
1) Where do you want to go?
while there is a huge demand to learn English wordwide, for some countries you will need a degree in order to work legally. South Korea and Thailand and Greece are just a few. While many teach 'under the table' ask yourself if you really want to live like this. Americans wishing to teach in France will face a tougher time since it is far easier to employ EU citizens within the EU. This is not to put you off - and in a largely unregulated industry there are few absolutes. While I once warned an American lady venturing out to Italy that she was unlikely to find much teaching work due to her nationality, she proved me wrong and and was inundated with offers! It pays to check out the legal working regulations in your chosen country via the consulate.

2) How much do you need to earn?
The very general rule of thumb is that you can usually live well by local standards on a TEFL wage. Do not necessarily expect to save or bring up a family on a generic TEFL income however. Better pay and conditions can be found teaching English in Japan, South Korea and the usually tax free Middle East. The good news is, there are many more TEFL offshoots for the ambitious.  It is possible to move into more lucrative 1-1 business training, publishing, opening your own school, etc. However, if you just need to support yourself or just want to teach part time or need an extra income to supplement a main wage or retirement income, then EFL teaching is an ideal option. What else could you be so easly trained to do abroad and get paid?
See typical TEFL wages on some top TEFL job sites such as

3) Are you a natural teacher?
If you've never taught, perhaps you don't know yet. Certainly a good command of English and patience are essential. Most other skills can be taught and that is where a good TEFL course comes in to its own. However, most TEFL teachers did not have a teaching background when they did their TEFL training. Expect to find former taxi drivers, lawyers, housewives and students in the industry.

There are lots of free ways to investigate what teaching is like:
Why not take a simple TEFL survey?
View teaching in action Offer to help for free as an assistant in a local langauge school
and some paid:
Take an inexpensive online grammar course to improve your English skills and give you confidence
(although most people only learn grammar on their TEFL course)
or a practical weekend TEFL course where you will get immersed in the TEFL classroom

Perhaps you know already that teaching large classes of children will never be for you. In that case, there are plenty of other options. People learn English for business, for university entry, by phone, 1-1, for English conversation. Simply take a TEFL with business or 1-1 to give you the skills, knowledge and confidence to teach in these more niche areas.
TEFL teaching can be richly rewarding, but take some time to investigate to make sure it is the best next step for you. Good luck

Wednesday 23 February 2011

TEFL/TESOL to support your travels

Teaching English as a foreign language; how a TEFL/TESOL course can help you travel abroad.
If you are thinking about travelling or a gap-year and need to earn as you go, then teaching English as a foreign language can be a rewarding way to supplement your travels and integrate into the local community at the same time.
Firstly, if you have no teaching experience, you might think you can't teach. If so you'd be wrong. Most new EFL teachers have no teaching background at all and are all ages from different backgrounds. A desire to teach and a good standard of English could be all that you need since the demand to learn English is so great worldwide. But for better employment prospects - and to be fair to your students, it pays to take a TEFL/TESOL course before you go. I'll guide you through choosing a TEFL course and some basics on how to market yourself in a freelance capacity.
1. Which TEFL or TESOL course?
As mentioned,  TEFL certification will enhance your teaching prospects and give you essential teaching know-how. It is a nightmare facing a class or 1-1 with absolutely no idea where to start. There are lots of course options, so which to choose? A good TEFL/TESOL course will cover the essential methodology, lesson planning and grammar. Choose from online TEFL/TESOL training courses (costing around £200) to 4 week intensive (costing up to £1000.) Online courses are generally affordable and mean you can study around your other commitments. If choosing an online TEFL course, I suggest taking one that has been externally accredited by an independent body which awards the final certificate to certify the same. There are 2 independent bodies that do this for distance courses in the UK:
If you prefer a classroom-based course, Trinity and Cambridge certificate courses are the most well-established and recognised and have centres worldwide.
A degree will be beneficial and in some cases essential for a working visa to be issued so do make sure you stick to the working rules and regulations for your country of choice.
2. How to market yourself while abroad:
  • Be contactable:
First, make sure you are contactable with a phone number and email address. This may mean you getting a local sim card so you can stay in contact inexpensively.
  • Leaflet your area:
Once in situ, you may get some work by word of mouth once word gets around that there is a qualified native English speaking teacher in town. However, you do not want to rely on this and so some legwork is required.
Get some business cards/leaflets printed in the local language. While you may not want to get them printed before you go, there are plenty  of template design services on the web so you can have a play and get an idea of potential design and print costs: freeleaflets
What will you say in your promotional literature?
  • Consider your Unique Selling Point. If you can, offer something that few others do. There are many with a generic TEFL qualification. If you study online, there is often the chance to add on a specialism in 1-1, young learners or business which can help you stand out. Otherwise, what career did you have previously? Whatever your background, it may come in useful as foreign nurses, lawyers, business people and teachers need to keep up their English. Ensure that if you have a specialism or background in a particular area that this is stated in your promotional literature.
Also, think about adding a special offer to entice people to get in touch such as a free first class, free consultation by phone, free lesson for the first 50 that respond or 11 lessons for the price of 10.
Leafleting has worked well with expat teachers I know  and you can read how others have managed to teach English in France, teach English in Spain and in Italy. Choose your location carefully; don’t leaflet an area you are not prepared to travel to unless you feel there is a lot of potential – if there is a university in the area, for example.
  • Network: Frequent English bookstores and cafes into keep an ear out for possible vacancies, and to get an idea of the going teaching rate - and ask if they will display your leaflet. Make an effort to learn the local language and integrate with the local community; join a football team, make yourself a regular at the local cafĂ© or bar. Not only will your experience abroad be much more fulfilling, you’ll be making valuable contacts. You only need a handful of students who can pass the word on to their friends and colleagues and you have a viable freelance business.
  • Business English: If interested in teaching business English, there is normally an equivalent to the chamber of commerce (In France in particular there is a very strong chamber of commerce network) to join. Knock on the doors of business owners. A previous boss who later started a very successful English language school in Portugal trawled the business parks and established a few very credible contracts teaching factory employees. Find out more about teaching business English
Why not offer English language classes to business people face-to-face or via phone or  Skype or a blend of both? Skype is free to download on the internet.
Calls are free to other Skype phones. A call from Skype to most landline and some cell phone destinations are very cheap (often less than 2 pence per minute.) A phone class may only be 30 minutes in duration making it ideal for the busy business person. This blend of face-to-face and phone class is rarely offered which could make your teaching proposition quite unique. Also, you can usually keep your students if you move locations as long as you maintain a broadband and Skype connection.
Ask at local primary/secondary school if they require an English language Assistant. You may offer to do a class a week for free if they allow you to send your leaflet home with each child, advertising your services to the parents. The school might even allow you to use their premises after school for an English club. One enterprising colleague visited all the pre-schools in her locale where she sang songs/played English games with the children. All the children bought a little extra money in to pay for this visit.
Whether you aim to teach general English, business English,  English to young learners or a combination, set your fee and cancellation charges from the beginning and have these written down to hand out in the first lesson if necessary – and stick to them.
3. Don’t ignore local language schools:
Some language schools want long-term full time commitments from their teachers, but many don’t and might be happy to have you for a few hours a week or on call in an emergency. Don’t just send your CV in, knock on the door and introduce yourself as an enthusiastic and qualified teacher who happens to be living locally. This is the best way to ‘jump’ the CV queue.
Hand over your CV and attach a copy of your credentials and a smiley photograph. Teaching for a school does not normally pay as much as freelancing, but it can provide a few useful extra hours and income. Have a look at jobs abroad to get an idea of typical pay and conditions in language schools in your country of choice. is an excellent jobs website.
With just a bit of preparation, your ability in English can take you a long way.
Take a course, be prepared to market yourself and you can have a fulfilling and varied working life abroad as an EFL teacher; a life where you decide the working hours which fit with your lifestyle and aspirations.